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DOI Forward Links to MIC for Year: 2016

 Total number of MIC articles in 2016  20
 Total number of DOI citations  132
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2016, Vol. 37, No. 4:
1.Jesper Kirk Sørensen, Michael R. Hansen and Morten K. Ebbesen, “Numerical and Experimental Study of a Novel Concept for Hydraulically Controlled Negative Loads”, pp. 195-211
DOI forward links to this article:
[1] Damiano Padovani, Søren Ketelsen, Daniel Hagen and Lasse Schmidt (2019), doi:10.3390/en12020292
[2] Oleksandr Petrov, Leonid Kozlov, Dmytro Lozinskiy and Oleh Piontkevych (2020), doi:10.1007/978-3-030-22365-6_65
[3] Jianbin Liu, Haibo Xie and Huayong Yang (2019), doi:10.1109/IRCE.2019.00024
[4] Joseph T. Jose, J. Das and Santosh Kr. Mishra (2021), doi:10.1109/JSEN.2021.3083677
[5] Haibo Xie, Chengzhen Wang and Huayong Yang (2021), doi:10.1016/j.flowmeasinst.2021.102048
[6] Hao Sun, Jianfeng Tao, Chengjin Qin, Honggan Yu, Shuang Xu, Qianwei Zhuang and Chengliang Liu (2023), doi:10.1115/1.4056497
[7] Wei Zhao, Mohit Bhola, Morten K. Ebbesen and Torben Ole Andersen (2023), doi:10.4173/mic.2023.3.3
2.Christer Dalen and David Di Ruscio, “On closed loop transient response system identification”, pp. 213-223
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[1] Tuomo Lindh and Niko Nevaranta (2020), doi:10.1109/ETFA46521.2020.9211945
3.Åke Kinnander, Martin Sjölund and Adrian Pop, “Industrial Evaluation of Integrated Performance Analysis and Equation Model Debugging for Equation-Based Models”, pp. 225-236
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[1] R P Mitrev, B N Tudjarov and T S Todorov (2019), doi:10.1088/1757-899X/664/1/012015
4.Espen Oland and Raymond Kristiansen, “A Decoupled Approach for Flight Control”, pp. 237-246
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[1] Espen Oland (2018), doi:10.1109/ICMAE.2018.8467639
[2] Espen Oland, Raymond Kristiansen and Jan Tommy Gravdahl (2020), doi:10.1109/TCST.2018.2873507
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5.Ali M. H. Kadhim, Wolfgang Birk and Miguel Castano Arranz, “Dynamic Relative Gain Array Estimation using Local Polynomial Approximation Approach”, pp. 247-259
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[1] Miguel Castano Arranz and Wolfgang Birk (2017), doi:10.1109/MED.2017.7984309
[2] Miguel Castaño Arranz, Wolfgang Birk and George Nikolakopoulos (2017), doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.1536
[3] Morten L. Pedersen, Franz D. Bahner and Jakob K. Huusom (2021), doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.08.233
[4] J Vijay Anand and PS Manoharan (2021), doi:10.1177/01423312211049237
[5] Vasileios Mapppas, Vassilios S. Vassiliadis, Bogdan Dorneanu, Alexander F. Routh and Harvey Arellano-Garcia (2023), doi:10.1016/j.cherd.2023.05.041
[6] Maryamsadat Tahavori, Hamid Reza Shaker and Rahman Dashti (2022), doi:10.1109/ICECCME55909.2022.9987803
[7] Neha Belwal and Pradeep Kumar Juneja (2024), doi:10.1109/ICIC3S61846.2024.10603288
2016, Vol. 37, No. 3:
1.Dan Sui and Bernt Sigve Aadnøy, “Rate of Penetration Optimization using Moving Horizon Estimation”, pp. 149-158
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[1] Chao Gan, Weihua Cao, Min Wu, Kang-Zhi Liu, Xin Chen, Yule Hu and Fulong Ning (2019), doi:10.1016/j.asoc.2019.04.020
[2] Suranga C.H. Geekiyanage, Erik A. Loeken and Dan Sui (2019), doi:10.1016/j.petrol.2019.106834
[3] Lei Zou, Zidong Wang, Jun Hu and Qing-Long Han (2020), doi:10.1016/j.inffus.2020.01.009
[4] Runa Linn Egeland, Astrid Lescoeur, Martin Olsen, Mayuran Vasantharajan, Sigve Hovda and Alexey Pavlov (2018), doi:10.1109/CCTA.2018.8511506
[5] Chao Gan, Wei-Hua Cao, Kang-Zhi Liu, Min Wu, Fa-Wen Wang and Suo-Bang Zhang (2020), doi:10.1109/TII.2019.2943165
[6] Ammar M. Alali, Mahmoud F. Abughaban and Beshir M. Aman (2020), doi:10.1016/j.petrol.2020.108075
[7] Magnus Nystad, Bernt Sigve Aadnoy and Alexey Pavlov (2021), doi:10.3390/en14051298
[8] Magnus Nystad, Bernt Sigve Aadnoy and Alexey Pavlov (2022), doi:10.1115/1.4053127
[9] Chao Gan, Wei-Hua Cao, Kang-Zhi Liu and Min Wu (2022), doi:10.1016/j.jprocont.2021.12.002
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[11] Hu Yin, Xiuwen Zhao and Qian Li (2024), doi:10.1016/j.engappai.2024.108281
[12] Xiao Wu, Xuzhi Lai, Jie Hu, Chengda Lu and Min Wu (2024), doi:10.1109/TIM.2024.3428650
2.Tomasz Klopot, Piotr Skupin, Dariusz Choinski, Rafal Cupek and Marcin Fojcik, “A metamorphic controller for plant control system design”, pp. 159-169
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[1] Piotr Laszczyk, Malgorzata Niedzwiedz, Piotr Skupin and Mieczyslaw Metzger (2017), doi:10.1109/PC.2017.7976218
[2] Michal Fratczak, Pawel Nowak and Piotr Laszczyk (2017), doi:10.1109/MMAR.2017.8046843
[3] Edi Dwi Nugroho, Aji Gautama Putrada and Andrian Rakhmatsyah (2021), doi:10.1109/ISESD53023.2021.9501402
[4] Patryk Grelewicz, Pawel Nowak, Michal Fratczak and Tomasz Klopot (2018), doi:10.1109/MMAR.2018.8485990
3.D.W.U. Perera, M. Anushka S. Perera, Carlos F. Pfeiffer and Nils-Olav Skeie, “Structural observability analysis and EKF based parameter estimation of building heating models”, pp. 171-180
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[1] Degurunnehalage Perera and Nils-Olav Skeie (2017), doi:10.3390/buildings7020027
[2] Pin Lyu, Sheng Bao, Jizhou Lai, Shichao Liu and Zang Chen (2018), doi:10.1177/0954410018767754
[3] Pin Lyu, Jizhou Lai, Jianye Liu, Ling Zhang and Shichao Liu (2018), doi:10.1109/PLANS.2018.8373444
4.Miodrag Spasic, Morten Hovd, Darko Mitic and Dragan Antic, “Tube Model Predictive Control with an Auxiliary Sliding Mode Controller”, pp. 181-193
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[1] Miodrag Spasic, Darko Miti, Morten Hovd and Dragan Antic (2017), doi:10.1109/SISY.2017.8080561
[2] Miroslav B. Milovanovic, Dragan S. Antic, Marko T. Milojkovic and Miodrag D. Spasic (2022), doi:10.1109/TCYB.2020.2998505
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2016, Vol. 37, No. 2:
1.Esten I. Grøtli and Tor A. Johansen, “Motion- and Communication-Planning of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Delay Tolerant Network using Mixed-Integer Linear Programming”, pp. 77-97
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[1] Yuguang Wei, Cafer Avc , Jiangtao Liu, Baloka Belezamo, Nizamettin Ayd n, Pengfei(Taylor) Li and Xuesong Zhou (2017), doi:10.1016/j.trb.2017.10.012
[2] Alena Otto, Niels Agatz, James Campbell, Bruce Golden and Erwin Pesch (2018), doi:10.1002/net.21818
[3] Artur Zolich, David Palma, Kimmo Kansanen, Kay Fjørtoft, João Sousa, Karl H. Johansson, Yuming Jiang, Hefeng Dong and Tor A. Johansen (2018), doi:10.1007/s10846-018-0833-5
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[5] Shengtao Li and Jianying Li (2017), doi:10.1049/hve.2017.0026
[6] Kaan Celikbilek, Zainab Saleem, Ruben Morales Ferre, Jaan Praks and Elena Simona Lohan (2022), doi:10.3390/s22041421
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2.D.W.U. Perera and Nils-Olav Skeie, “Modeling and Simulation of Multi-Room Buildings”, pp. 99-111
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[1] Nayan Kumar Singh and V. S. K. V. Harish (2022), doi:10.1007/978-981-16-5952-2_43
[2] Alejandra Aversa, Luis Ballestero and Miguel Chen Austin (2022), doi:10.3390/su14159591
3.T. Roinila, R. Luhtala, T. Salpavaara, J. Verho, T. Messo and M. Vilkko, “Rapid High-Frequency Measurements of Electrical Circuits by Using Frequency Mixer and Pseudo-Random Sequences”, pp. 113-119
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[1] Cong Wang, Zhen Li, Zhongli Pan and Daoliang Li (2018), doi:10.1016/j.compag.2018.05.011
[2] Roni Luhtala, Tomi Roinila and Tuomas Messo (2018), doi:10.1109/TIA.2018.2826998
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4.Anders Lyngvi Fougner, Konstanze Kölle, Nils Kristian Skjærvold, Nicolas-Andreas L. Elvemo, Dag Roar Hjelme, Reinold Ellingsen, Sven Magnus Carlsen and Øyvind Stavdahl, “Intraperitoneal Glucose Sensing is Sometimes Surprisingly Rapid”, pp. 121-131
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[1] Konstanze Kölle, Anders Fougner and Øyvind Stavdahl (2017), doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.1154
[2] Karolina Milenko, Silje S. Fuglerud, Ine L. Jernelv, Astrid Aksnes, Reinold Ellingsen and Dag Roar Hjelme (2018), doi:10.1364/BGPPM.2018.JTu2A.70
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5.Niko Nevaranta, Stijn Derammelaere, Jukka Parkkinen, Bram Vervisch, Tuomo Lindh, Markku Niemelä and Olli Pyrhönen, “Online Identification of a Two-Mass System in Frequency Domain using a Kalman Filter”, pp. 133-147
DOI forward links to this article:
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[2] Jan-Henri Montonen, Niko Juhani Nevaranta, Tuomo Lindh, Jani Alho, Paula Immonen and Olli Pekka Pyrhonen (2017), doi:10.1109/TIE.2017.2782202
[3] Foeke Vanbecelaere, Stijn Derammelaere, Niko Nevaranta, Jasper De Viaene, Florian Verbelen, Kurt Stockman and Michael Monte (2020), doi:10.1016/j.mechatronics.2020.102361
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2016, Vol. 37, No. 1:
1.Witold Pawlus, Martin Choux and Michael R. Hansen, “Hydraulic vs. Electric: A Review of Actuation Systems in Offshore Drilling Equipment”, pp. 1-17
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2.Stephan Neumann, Lothar Wöll, Achim Feldermann, Felix Strassburger and Georg Jacobs, “Modular System Modeling for Quantitative Reliability Evaluation of Technical Systems”, pp. 19-29
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[2] Michael Hein, Thomas Tobie and Karsten Stahl (2017), doi:10.1007/s10010-017-0226-0
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3.Jing Zhou, Jan Einar Gravdal, Per Strand and Svein Hovland, “Automated Kick Control Procedure for an Influx in Managed Pressure Drilling Operations”, pp. 31-40
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4.Christer Dalen and David Di Ruscio, “Model-Free Predictive Anti-Slug Control of a Well-Pipeline-Riser”, pp. 41-52
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[1] Christer Dalen and David Di Ruscio (2019), doi:10.4173/mic.2019.4.2
5.Torstein A. Myhre and Olav Egeland, “Tracking a Swinging Target with a Robot Manipulator using Visual Sensing”, pp. 53-62
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6.Adam L. Kleppe and Olav Egeland, “Inverse Kinematics for Industrial Robots using Conformal Geometric Algebra”, pp. 63-75
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