Author: Robert R. Bitmead

 Total number of MIC articles   1
 Total number of DOI citations  5
 Total number of DOI excluding self-citations  5
 Average citations per article  5.00
 Average excluding self-citations  5.00
 Years 2005 - 2005 

MIC: Robert R. Bitmead

1. Morten Hovd and Robert R. Bitmead, “Interaction between control and estimation in nonlinear MPC”, 2005-3-4
[1] Boris Houska, Dries Telen, Filip Logist and Jan Van Impe (2017), doi:10.1137/15M1049865
[2] Xuhui Feng and Boris Houska (2017), doi:10.1016/j.jprocont.2017.10.003
[3] Xuhui Feng, Yuning Jiang, Mario Eduardo Villanueva and Boris Houska (2018), doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2018.09.372
[4] Esteban López, Lina M. Gómez and Hernán Alvarez (2019), doi:10.1016/j.jprocont.2019.03.018
[5] V. Vanel, J. Mallet, B. Dinh, S. Michaud, M. Montuir and F. Vilpini (2024), doi:10.3389/fceng.2023.1294784