Author: Anette Blyberg

 Total number of MIC articles   1
 Total number of DOI citations  5
 Total number of DOI excluding self-citations  5
 Average citations per article  5.00
 Average excluding self-citations  5.00
 Years 1989 - 1989 

MIC: Anette Blyberg

1. Rolv Rommetveit and Anette Blyberg, “Simulation of gas kicks during oil well drilling”, 1989-4-3
[1] Marcellinus A. Ojinnaka and Joseph J. Beaman (2018), doi:10.1016/j.petrol.2018.03.012
[2] Z. Ma, A. Karimi Vajargah, D. Chen, E. van Oort, R. May, J. D. MacPherson, G. Becker and D. Curry (2018), doi:10.2118/189606-MS
[3] Zhengming Xu, Xuejiao Chen, Xianzhi Song, Zhaopeng Zhu and Wenping Zhang (2021), doi:10.2118/206717-PA
[4] E. H. Vefring, R. Rommetveit and E. Borge (1991), doi:10.2118/22314-MS
[5] R. Rommetveit and E. H. Vefring (1991), doi:10.2118/22558-MS