“Multiple Property Cross Direction Control of Paper Machines”
Authors: Markku Ohenoja and Kauko Leiviskä,Affiliation: University of Oulu
Reference: 2011, Vol 32, No 3, pp. 103-112.
Keywords: cross direction control, paper machine, multiple properties, interactions, imaging measurements, automated tuning
Abstract: Cross direction (CD) control in sheet-forming process forms a challenging problem with high dimensions. Accounting the interactions between different properties and actuators, the dimensionality increases further and also computational issues arise. We present a multiple property controller feasible to be used especially with imaging measurements that provide high sampling frequency and therefore enable short control interval. The simulation results state the benefits of multiple property CD control over single property control and single property control using full feedforward compensation. The controller presented may also be tuned in automated manner and the results demonstrate the effect of tuning on input saturation.

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title={{Multiple Property Cross Direction Control of Paper Machines}},
author={Ohenoja, Markku and Leiviskä, Kauko},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}