“A symmetric splitting method for rigid body dynamics”
Authors: E. Celledoni and N. Säfström,Affiliation: NTNU
Reference: 2006, Vol 27, No 2, pp. 95-108.
Keywords: Rigid bodies, symmetric methods, symplectic methods, Jacobi elliptic functions
Abstract: It has been known since the time of Jacobi that the solution to the free rigid body (FRB) equations of motion is given in terms of a certain type of elliptic functions. Using the Arithmetic-Geometric mean algorithm, (1), these functions can be calculated efficiently and accurately. The overall approach yields a faster and more accurate numerical solution to the FRB equations compared to standard numerical ODE and symplectic solvers. In this paper we investigate the possibility of extending this approach to the case of rigid bodies subject to external forces. By using a splitting strategy similar to the one proposed in (14), we decompose the vector field of our problem in a FRB problem and another completely integrable vector field. We apply the method to the simulation of the heavy top.

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title={{A symmetric splitting method for rigid body dynamics}},
author={Celledoni, E. and Säfström, N.},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}