“Development of an in vivo method for determining material properties of passive myocardium”
Authors: Espen Remme, Peter J. Hunter, Otto Smiseth, Carey Stevens, Stein I. Rabben, Helge Skulstad and Bjørn A.J. Angelsen,Affiliation: NTNU, University of Auckland and Rikshospitalet University Hospital
Reference: 2004, Vol 25, No 4, pp. 237-252.
Keywords: Myocardium; material properties; estimation; finite element modeling
Abstract: Calculation of mechanical stresses and strains in the left ventricular (LV) myocardium by the finite element (FE) method relies on adequate knowledge of the material properties of myocardial tissue. In this paper we present a model-based estimation procedure to characterize the stress-strain relationship in passive LV myocardium. A 3D FE model of the LV myocardium was used, which included morphological fiber and sheet structure and a nonlinear orthotropic constitutive law with different stiffness in the fiber, sheet and sheet-normal directions. The estimation method was based on measured wall strains. We analyzed the method´s ability to estimate the material parameters by generating a set of synthetic strain data by simulating the LV inflation phase with known material parameters. In this way we were able to verify the correctness of the solution and to analyze the effects of measurement and model error on the solution accuracy and stability. A sensitivity analysis was performed to investigate the observability of the material parameters and to determine which parameters to estimate. The results showed a high degree of coupling between the parameters governing the stiffness in each direction. Thus, only one parameter in each of the three directions was estimated. For the tested magnitudes of added noise and introduced model errors, the resulting estimated stress-strain characteristics in the fiber and sheet directions converged with good accuracy to the known relationship. The sheet-normal stress-strain relationship had a higher degree of uncertainty as more noise was added and model error was introduced.

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title={{Development of an in vivo method for determining material properties of passive myocardium}},
author={Remme, Espen and Hunter, Peter J. and Smiseth, Otto and Stevens, Carey and Rabben, Stein I. and Skulstad, Helge and Angelsen, Bjørn A.J.},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}