“Bayesian 2D Deconvolution: A Model for Diffuse Ultrasound Scattering”
Authors: Oddvar Husby, Torgrim Lie, Thomas Langø, Jørn Hokland and Håvard Rue,Affiliation: SINTEF and NTNU
Reference: 2001, Vol 22, No 4, pp. 227-242.
Keywords: Medical ultrasound, restoration, Markov random fields, diffuse scattering, Markov chain Monte Carlo
Abstract: Observed medical ultrasound images are degraded representations of the true acoustic tissue reflectance. The degradation is due to blur and speckle, and significantly reduces the diagnostic value of the images. In order to remove both blur and speckle we have developed a new statistical model for diffuse scattering in 2D ultrasound radio-frequency images, incorporating both spatial smoothness constraints and a physical model for diffuse scattering. The modeling approach is Bayesian in nature, and we use Markov chain Monte Carlo methods to obtain the restorations. The results from restorations of some real and simulated radio-frequency ultrasound images are presented and compared with results produced by Wiener filtering.

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title={{Bayesian 2D Deconvolution: A Model for Diffuse Ultrasound Scattering}},
author={Husby, Oddvar and Lie, Torgrim and Langø, Thomas and Hokland, Jørn and Rue, Håvard},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}