“Properties of Pareto Optimal Allocations of Resources to Activities”
Authors: Kåre M. Mjelde,Affiliation: Det Norske Veritas (DNV)
Reference: 1983, Vol 4, No 3, pp. 167-173.
Keywords: Resource allocation, Pareto-optimality
Abstract: A linear multi-objective decision problem is considered, of the maximization of the effect of allocations of resources to activities. Necessary and sufficient conditions for a feasible solution to the problem to be Pareto-optimal are derived, in terms of properties of the allocation matrix and a certain matrix of efficiency coefficients of the allocations. A condition is given for all optimal solutions to be simple in the sense that they contain a small number of non-zero allocations. A feasible change of the positive allocations of an optimal solution produces a new optimal solution.

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title={{Properties of Pareto Optimal Allocations of Resources to Activities}},
author={Mjelde, Kåre M.},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}