Author: Petter Lundström

 Total number of MIC articles   1
 Total number of DOI citations  6
 Total number of DOI excluding self-citations  6
 Average citations per article  6.00
 Average excluding self-citations  6.00
 Years 1991 - 1991 

MIC: Petter Lundström

1. Sigurd Skogestad, Morten Hovd and Petter Lundström, “Simple frequency-dependent tools for analysis of inherent control limitations”, 1991-4-1
[1] Zhihong Yuan, Bingzhen Chen and Jinsong Zhao (2011), doi:10.1002/aic.12340
[2] Satish Enagandula and James B. Riggs (2006), doi:10.1016/j.conengprac.2005.03.011
[3] V.J. Pohjola, M.K. Alha and K. Lien (1994), doi:10.1016/B978-0-08-042358-6.50034-9
[4] J.H.A. Ludlage, S. Weiland, A.A. Stoorvogel and T.A.C.P.M. Backx (2003), doi:10.1109/TAC.2003.814108
[5] J.H.A. Ludlage, S. Weiland and A.A. Stoorvogel (1999), doi:10.1109/ACC.1999.786149
[6] V.J. Pohjola, M.K. Alha and K. Lien (1994), doi:10.1016/S1474-6670(17)47985-7