Author: Axel Sandvig

 Total number of MIC articles   2
 Total number of DOI citations  1
 Total number of DOI excluding self-citations  1
 Average citations per article  0.50
 Average excluding self-citations  0.50
 Years 2021 - 2022 

MIC: Axel Sandvig

2. Martinius Knudsen, Sverre Hendseth, Gunnar Tufte and Axel Sandvig, “Model-free Control of Partially Observable Underactuated Systems by pairing Reinforcement Learning with Delay Embeddings”, 2022-1-1
[1] Wojciech P. Hunek, Pawe Majewski, Jaros aw Zygarlicki, ukasz Nagi, Dariusz Zmarz y, Roman Wiench, Pawe M otek and Piotr Warmuzek (2022), doi:10.3390/s22197271
1. Martinius Knudsen, Sverre Hendseth, Gunnar Tufte and Axel Sandvig, “Model-Free All-Source-All-Destination Learning as a Model for Biological Reactive Control”, 2021-4-5