“Experimental validation of camera-based maritime collision avoidance for autonomous urban passenger ferries”
Authors: Øystein Kaarstad Helgesen, Emil H. Thyri, Edmund Brekke, Annette Stahl and Morten Breivik,Affiliation: NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics and Zeabuz AS
Reference: 2023, Vol 44, No 2, pp. 55-68.
Keywords: Maritime autonomy, target tracking, collision avoidance, daylight cameras, full-scale experiments, autonomous surface vehicle, autonomous urban passenger ferries
Abstract: Maritime collision avoidance systems rely on accurate state estimates of other objects in the environment from a tracking system. Traditionally, this understanding is generated using one or more active sensors such as radars and lidars. Imaging sensors such as daylight cameras have recently become a popular addition to these sensor suites due to their low cost and high resolution. However, most tracking systems still rely exclusively on active sensors or a fusion of active and passive sensors. In this work, we present a complete collision avoidance system relying solely on camera tracking. The viability of this autonomous navigation system is verified through a real-world, closed-loop collision avoidance experiment with a single target in Trondheim, Norway in December 2022. Accurate tracking was established in all scenarios and the collision avoidance system took appropriate actions to avoid collisions.

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title={{Experimental validation of camera-based maritime collision avoidance for autonomous urban passenger ferries}},
author={Helgesen, Øystein Kaarstad and Thyri, Emil H. and Brekke, Edmund and Stahl, Annette and Breivik, Morten},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}