“Energy Saving Potential in Knuckle Boom Cranes using a Novel Pump Controlled Cylinder Drive”
Authors: Søren Ketelsen, Lasse Schmidt, Viktor Hristov Donkov and Torben Ole Andersen,Affiliation: Aalborg University
Reference: 2018, Vol 39, No 2, pp. 73-89.
Keywords: Energy efficient hydraulic actuation, pump controlled cylinder, cylinder direct drive, offshore cranes, multivariable control
Abstract: This paper is considering the application of a novel pump controlled cylinder drive, the so-called Speed-variable Switched Differential Pump (SvSDP), for knuckle boom crane actuation. Especially the control system for the SvSDP drive is considered, and aiming on improving energy efficiency a refinement of the existing control structure is proposed. An energy efficient sizing algorithm for the SvSDP drive is developed, and fundamental differences between the achievable operating range for the SvSDP drive compared to a conventional valve-cylinder drive are discussed. A case study is conducted with knuckle boom crane actuation, and compared to a conventional valve actuation. Simulation results show that the motion tracking performance is on a similar level compared to the valve actuation approach, while the energy consumption is drastically decreased. For the given test trajectory the valve actuation system consumes 0.79 kWh of electrical energy, while the SvSDP drive consume 0.06 kWh, if ideal energy recovery and storage is assumed.

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title={{Energy Saving Potential in Knuckle Boom Cranes using a Novel Pump Controlled Cylinder Drive}},
author={Ketelsen, Søren and Schmidt, Lasse and Donkov, Viktor Hristov and Andersen, Torben Ole},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}