“Model based flow measurement using venturi flumes for return flow during drilling”
Authors: Ivan Pirir, Asanthi Jinasena and Roshan Sharma,Affiliation: University of South-Eastern Norway
Reference: 2017, Vol 38, No 3, pp. 135-142.
Keywords: Flow estimation, Open channel flow, Venturi rig, Oil drilling, Kurganov-Petrova scheme
Abstract: In an oil well drilling operation, a proper knowledge of the return fluid flowrate is necessary both for the stabilization of the bottom hole pressure of the well and also as a primary indication of a kick or loss. In practice, the drill fluid flowing through the return line is usually measured with Coriolis meters. However this method is both expensive and has some downsides. For instance there is a risk of blockage due to drill cuttings while measuring the discharge. The presence of gas and cuttings in the drilling fluid will also have a negative effect in the measurement i.e. for multi-phase fluid, the readings from Coriolis meters may not be accurate. A cheaper alternative would be to use an open channel for the measurement of the discharge from the return flowline. In this paper, a venturi rig is used as the open channel and modeled by the Saint Venant equations. Experimental verification of the simulation results show a promising behavior of the model based measurement of the return fluid flow.

DOI forward links to this article:
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title={{Model based flow measurement using venturi flumes for return flow during drilling}},
author={Pirir, Ivan and Jinasena, Asanthi and Sharma, Roshan},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}