“Modeling of a lay-flat plastic hose extrusion process”
Authors: Ellen Nordgård-Hansen, Rune Schlanbusch and Thore Jarle Sørensen,Affiliation: Teknova AS and Fenner Mandals
Reference: 2017, Vol 38, No 3, pp. 111-121.
Keywords: Extrusion, Response surfaces, Experimental design
Abstract: Many complex processes have a low degree of automation, and oftentimes important quality information is only available hours or even days after the production is completed. This article shows how multivariate design and response surface modeling were applied to a lay-flat plastic hose extrusion process in a full-scale experiment. Clear quantitative relationships were found, which to a large degree match existing qualitative process understanding. For instance, it was quantified how adhesion improves with increased extrusion screw speed and extrusion head temperature. The results can readily be used to inform the operators in real-time of important quality parameters of the hose currently under production. The clear results also indicate that increased process automation is achievable.

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title={{Modeling of a lay-flat plastic hose extrusion process}},
author={Ellen Nordgård-Hansen, and Schlanbusch, Rune and Sørensen, Thore Jarle},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}