“Feasibility Study of Electromechanical Cylinder Drivetrain for Offshore Mechatronic Systems”
Authors: Daniel Hagen, Witold Pawlus, Morten K. Ebbesen and Torben Ole Andersen,Affiliation: University of Agder and Aalborg University
Reference: 2017, Vol 38, No 2, pp. 59-77.
Keywords: Mechatronic systems, offshore drilling, hydraulic actuation systems, electromechanical cylinder, modeling and simulation, multibody systems, motion control
Abstract: Currently, there is an increasing focus on the environmental impact and energy consumption of the oil and gas industry. In offshore drilling equipment, electric motors tend to replace traditionally used hydraulic motors, especially in rotational motion control applications. However, force densities available from linear hydraulic actuators are still typically higher than those of electric actuators. Therefore, usually the remaining source of hydraulic power is thereby the hydraulic cylinder. This paper presents a feasibility study on the implementation of an electromechanical cylinder drivetrain on an offshore vertical pipe handling machine. The scope of this paper is to investigate the feasibility of a commercial off-the-shelf drivetrain. With a focus on the motion performance, numerical modeling and simulation are used when sizing and selecting the components of the considered electromechanical cylinder drivetrain. The simulation results are analyzed and discussed together with a literature study regarding advantages and disadvantages of the proposed solution considering the design criteria of offshore drilling equipment. It is concluded that the selected drivetrain can only satisfy the static motion requirements since the required transmitted power is higher than the recommended permissible power of the transmission screw. Consequently, based on the recommendation of the manufacturer, avoidance of overheating cannot be guaranteed for the drivetrain combinations considered for the case study presented in this paper. Hence, to avoid overheating, the average speed of the motion cycle must be decreased. Alternatively, external cooling or temperature monitoring and control system that prevents overheating could be implemented.

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title={{Feasibility Study of Electromechanical Cylinder Drivetrain for Offshore Mechatronic Systems}},
author={Hagen, Daniel and Pawlus, Witold and Ebbesen, Morten K. and Andersen, Torben Ole},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}