“Dynamic and kinematic observers for output coordination control of Euler-Lagrange systems: A comparison and applications”
Authors: Erik Kyrkjebø,Affiliation: Sogn and Fjordane University College
Reference: 2015, Vol 36, No 2, pp. 103-118.
Keywords: Observer, Synchronization, Coordination, Control, Surface ship, Robot
Abstract: This paper compares a dynamic and a kinematic observer approach for output coordination control of mechanical systems formulated in the Euler-Lagrange framework. The observers are designed to estimate missing velocity and acceleration information based on position/attitude measurements to provide a full state vector to the coordination control algorithm. The kinematic observer approach utilizes a virtual system designed to mimic the kinematic behaviour of the leader in order to estimate unknown states of the state vector with a minimum of information available. The dynamic observer approach is based on utilizing the full dynamic model of the follower system when estimating the missing states. The two observers are compared in terms of estimation principles and practical performance, and applied to two practical examples; leader-follower robot manipulator synchronization control, and underway replenishment operations for surface ships.

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title={{Dynamic and kinematic observers for output coordination control of Euler-Lagrange systems: A comparison and applications}},
author={Kyrkjebø, Erik},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}