“Experimental and Numerical Investigation of a Double-Acting Offshore Vessel Performance in Level Ice”
Authors: Biao Su, Roger Skjetne and Tor Einar Berg,Affiliation: NTNU, Department of Marine Technology and SINTEF
Reference: 2014, Vol 35, No 4, pp. 317-332.
Keywords: Double-acting vessel; numerical model; icebreaking capability; ship maneuverability; ice model test
Abstract: In this paper a numerical model and experimental data are used to investigate the level ice performance of a double-acting intervention vessel. The icebreaking capability and maneuverability in level ice are analyzed by evaluating the behavior of the vessel when it is running both ahead and astern. The paper also presents the implementation of a random crack size model for more realistic icebreaking behavior, giving more consistent evaluation of the vessel's performance in various ice conditions. The numerical simulations are firstly conducted in model-scale for a direct comparison with the experimental results. The scaling of ship speed and ice resistance is then discussed by comparing the simulation results in both full-scale and model-scale. The effect on the vessel's performance of the different properties of scaled model ice and full-scale sea ice is also assessed.

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title={{Experimental and Numerical Investigation of a Double-Acting Offshore Vessel Performance in Level Ice}},
author={Su, Biao and Skjetne, Roger and Berg, Tor Einar},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}