“A Sensor Fusion Algorithm for Filtering Pyrometer Measurement Noise in the Czochralski Crystallization Process”
Authors: Magnus Komperød, John A. Bones and Bernt Lie,Affiliation: Østfold University College, SINTEF and Telemark University College
Reference: 2011, Vol 32, No 1, pp. 17-32.
Keywords: Complementary filters, Czochralski crystallization process, Measurement noise filtering, Pyrometer temperature measurement, Sensor fusion algorithm
Abstract: The Czochralski (CZ) crystallization process is used to produce monocrystalline silicon for solar cell wafers and electronics. Tight temperature control of the molten silicon is most important for achieving high crystal quality. SINTEF Materials and Chemistry operates a CZ process. During one CZ batch, two pyrometers were used for temperature measurement. The silicon pyrometer measures the temperature of the molten silicon. This pyrometer is assumed to be accurate, but has much high-frequency measurement noise. The graphite pyrometer measures the temperature of a graphite material. This pyrometer has little measurement noise. There is quite a good correlation between the two pyrometer measurements. This paper presents a sensor fusion algorithm that merges the two pyrometer signals for producing a temperature estimate with little measurement noise, while having significantly less phase lag than traditional lowpass- filtering of the silicon pyrometer. The algorithm consists of two sub-algorithms: (i) A dynamic model is used to estimate the silicon temperature based on the graphite pyrometer, and (ii) a lowpass filter and a highpass filter designed as complementary filters. The complementary filters are used to lowpass-filter the silicon pyrometer, highpass-filter the dynamic model output, and merge these filtered signals. Hence, the lowpass filter attenuates noise from the silicon pyrometer, while the graphite pyrometer and the dynamic model estimate those frequency components of the silicon temperature that are lost when lowpass-filtering the silicon pyrometer. The algorithm works well within a limited temperature range. To handle a larger temperature range, more research must be done to understand the process´ nonlinear dynamics, and build this into the dynamic model.

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title={{A Sensor Fusion Algorithm for Filtering Pyrometer Measurement Noise in the Czochralski Crystallization Process}},
author={Komperød, Magnus and Bones, John A. and Lie, Bernt},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}