“Oxygen Effects in Anaerobic Digestion”
Authors: Deshai Botheju, Bernt Lie and Rune Bakke,Affiliation: Telemark University College
Reference: 2009, Vol 30, No 4, pp. 191-201.
Keywords: anaerobic digestion, ADM 1, modelling, oxygen, simulation
Abstract: Free oxygen effects in bio-gasification are not well known, apart from the common understanding of oxygen being toxic and inhibitory for anaerobic micro-organisms. Some studies have, however, revealed increased solubilisation of organic matter in the presence of some free oxygen in anaerobic digestion. This article analyses these counterbalancing phenomena with a mathematical modelling approach using the widely accepted biochemical model ADM 1. Aerobic oxidation of soluble carbon and inhibition of obligatory anaerobic organisms are modelled using standard saturation type kinetics. Biomass dependent first order hydrolysis kinetics is used to relate the increased hydrolysis rate with oxygen induced increase in biomass growth. The amended model, ADM 1-Ox (oxygen), has 25 state variables and 22 biochemical processes, presented in matrix form. The computer aided simulation tool AQUASIM 2.1 is used to simulate the developed model. Simulation predictions are evaluated against experimental data obtained using a laboratory batch test array comprising miniature anaerobic bio-reactors of 100 ml total volume each, operated under different initial air headspaces giving rise to the different oxygen loading conditions. The reactors were initially fed with a glucose solution and incubated at 35 Celsius, for 563 hours. Under the oxygen load conditions of 22, 44 and 88 mg/L, the ADM1-Ox model simulations predicted the experimental methane potentials quite adequately. Both the experimental data and the simulations suggest a linear reduction of methane potential with respect to the increase in oxygen load within this range.

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title={{Oxygen Effects in Anaerobic Digestion}},
author={Botheju, Deshai and Lie, Bernt and Bakke, Rune},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}