“Game play in vocational training and engineering education”
Authors: Bjarne A. Foss, Ole K. Solbjørg, Tor I. Eikaas and Frank Jakobsen,Affiliation: NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics, NTNU and Cyberlab Org AS
Reference: 2007, Vol 28, No 2, pp. 31-37.
Keywords: Dynamic simulation, games, technical education, elearning
Abstract: Educational games may create a new and improved learning culture by drawing advantage of the new knowledge and skills of today's students obtained from extensive use of interactive game software. This paper presents a design basis and online learning resources taking advantage of game-related features like a high degree of interactivity, attractive graphics, a dynamical virtual universe, and an incentive system to promote prolonged and more advanced use. The educational resources, denoted PIDstop, are targeted towards the engineering domain. Feedback from over 2000 users clearly indicates that PIDstop has a positive learning effect. Training packages for vocational training of Automation Technicians is emphasized in this paper. Such learning resources must have a limited mathematical complexity; hence, the representation should be rather descriptive. Evaluation of learning resources to assess the actual learning effect is important, and a two-step procedure based on formative and summative evaluation is proposed for this purpose.

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title={{Game play in vocational training and engineering education}},
author={Foss, Bjarne A. and Solbjørg, Ole K. and Eikaas, Tor I. and Jakobsen, Frank},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}