“A Global Remote Laboratory Experimentation Network and the Experiment Service Provider Business Model and Plans”
Authors: Tor I. Eikaas, Christian Schmid, Bjarne A. Foss and Denis Gillet,Affiliation: Cyberlab Org AS, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics and Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL)
Reference: 2003, Vol 24, No 3, pp. 159-168.
Keywords: Remote experimentation, education, training, eBusiness
Abstract: This paper presents results from the IST KAII Trial project ReLAX - Remote LAboratory eXperimentation trial (IST 1999-20827), and contributes with a framework for a global remote laboratory experimentation network supported by a new business model. The paper presents this new Experiment Service Provider business model that aims at bringing physical experimentation back into the learning arena, where remotely operable laboratory experiments used in advanced education and training schemes are made available to a global education and training market in industry and academia. The business model is based on an approach where individual experiment owners offer remote access to their high-quality laboratory facilities to users around the world. The usage can be for research, education, on-the-job training etc. The access to these facilities is offered via an independent operating company - the Experiment Service Provider. The Experiment Service Provider offers eCommerce services like booking, access control, invoicing, dispute resolution, quality control, customer evaluation services and a unified Lab Portal.

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title={{A Global Remote Laboratory Experimentation Network and the Experiment Service Provider Business Model and Plans}},
author={Eikaas, Tor I. and Schmid, Christian and Foss, Bjarne A. and Gillet, Denis},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}