“One-Dimensional Simulation of Clay Drying”
Authors: Siljan Siljan and Morten Chr. Melaaen,Affiliation: Telemark University College
Reference: 2002, Vol 23, No 2, pp. 135-147.
Keywords: Clay, drying, simulation, LECA, LWA, porous, rotary kiln
Abstract: Drying of clay is simulated by a one-dimensional model. The background of the work is to form a better basis for investigation of the drying process in production of clay-based building materials. A model of one-dimensional heat and mass transfer in porous material is used and modified to simulate drying of clay particles. The convective terms are discretized by first-order upwinding, and the diffusive terms are discretized by central differencing. DASSL was used to solve the set of algebraic and differential equations. The different simulations show the effect of permeability, initial moisture content and different boundary conditions. Both drying of a flat plate and a spherical particle are modelled.

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title={{One-Dimensional Simulation of Clay Drying}},
author={Siljan, Siljan and Melaaen, Morten Chr.},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}