“Modelling and Simulation of Variable Speed Thruster Drives with Full-Scale Verification”
Authors: Jan F. Hansen, Trygve Lauvdal and Alf K. Ådnanes,Affiliation: ABB
Reference: 2001, Vol 22, No 4, pp. 211-225.
Keywords: Marine systems, modelling, simulation, verification, electrical machines, drives
Abstract: In this paper considerations about modelling and simulation of variable speed thruster drives are made with comparison to full scale measurements from Varg FPSO. For special purpose vessels with electric propulsion operating in DP (Dynamic Positioning) mode the thruster drives are essential for the vessel operation. Different model strategies of thruster drives are discussed. An advanced thruster drive model with a dynamic motor model and field vector control principle is shown. Simulations are performed with both the advanced model and a simplified model. These are compared with full-scale measurements from Varg FPSO. The simulation results correspond well with the measurements, for both the simplified model and the advanced model.

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title={{Modelling and Simulation of Variable Speed Thruster Drives with Full-Scale Verification}},
author={Hansen, Jan F. and Lauvdal, Trygve and Ådnanes, Alf K.},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}