“The Macroeconomy as a Network of Money-Flow Transfer Functions”
Authors: Trond Andresen,Affiliation: NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Reference: 1998, Vol 19, No 4, pp. 207-223.
Keywords: Macroeconomics, network, block diagram, time lag, simulation
Abstract: An introduction on A.W. Phillips' 'hydraulic' macroeconomic models is given. His (and others economists') notion that a macroeconomy may reasonably be considered to have dynamics corresponding to a first order time lag transfer function, is justified in this paper by aggregation of individual micro agents. In connection with this economic application, we derive and discuss a theorem and some rules for general networks of time lagged blocks. Numerical simulations of networks of agents are undertaken, supporting the validity of the first order time lag aggregate model. Finally, an application is presented-a model of financial accumulation and possible collapse.

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title={{The Macroeconomy as a Network of Money-Flow Transfer Functions}},
author={Andresen, Trond},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}