“Semi-empirical modeling of non-linear dynamic systems through identification of operating regimes and local models”
Authors: Tor A. Johansen and Bjarne A. Foss,Affiliation: NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Reference: 1995, Vol 16, No 4, pp. 213-232.
Keywords: Non-linear systems, system identification, fuzzy modeling, heuristic search algorithms
Abstract: An off-line algorithm for semi-empirical modeling of nonlinear dynamic systems is presented. The model representation is based on the interpolation of a number of simple local models, where the validity of each local model is restricted to an operating regime, but where the local models yield a complete global model when interpolated. The input to the algorithm is a sequence of empirical data and a set of candidate local model structures. The algorithm searches for an optimal decomposition into operating regimes, and local model structures. The method is illustrated using simulated and real data. The transparency of the resulting model and the exibility with respect to incorporation of prior knowledge is discussed.

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title={{Semi-empirical modeling of non-linear dynamic systems through identification of operating regimes and local models}},
author={Johansen, Tor A. and Foss, Bjarne A.},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}