“On unsteady reacting flow in a channel with a cavity”
Authors: Ivar Ø. Sand,Affiliation: Christian Michelsen Research
Reference: 1991, Vol 12, No 4, pp. 179-205.
Keywords: Unsteady reacting flow, vortex method, simple line interface calculation, conformal mapping
Abstract: The problem investigated is the stability of a flame anchored by recirculation within a channel with a cavity, acting as a two-dimensional approximation to a gas turbine combustion chamber. This is related to experiments of Vaneveld, Hom and Oppenheim (1982). The hypothesis studied is that hydrodynamic oscillations within the cavity can lead to flashback.

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title={{On unsteady reacting flow in a channel with a cavity}},
author={Sand, Ivar Ø.},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}