“A Combined Network Architecture Using Art2 and Back Propagation for Adaptive Estimation of Dynamic Processes”
Authors: Einar Sørheim,Affiliation: Institute for Energy Technology (IFE)
Reference: 1990, Vol 11, No 4, pp. 191-199.
Keywords: System identification, nonlinear systems, adaptive control, artificial neural networks, back propagation, ART2
Abstract: A neural network architecture called ART2/BP is proposed. Thc goal has been to construct an artificial neural network that learns incrementally an unknown mapping, and is motivated by the instability found in back propagation (BP) networks: after first learning pattern A and then pattern B, a BP network often has completely ´forgotten´ pattern A. A network using both supervised and unsupervised training is proposed, consisting of a combination of ART2 and BP. ART2 is used to build and focus a supervised backpropagation network consisting of many small subnetworks each specialized on a particular domain of the input space. The ART2/BP network has the advantage of being able to dynamically expand itself in response to input patterns containing new information. Simulation results show that the ART2/BP network outperforms a classical maximum likelihood method for the estimation of a discrete dynamic and nonlinear transfer function.

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title={{A Combined Network Architecture Using Art2 and Back Propagation for Adaptive Estimation of Dynamic Processes}},
author={Sørheim, Einar},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}