“Predictive Control Based upon State Space Models”
Authors: Jens G. Balchen, Dag Ljungquist and Stig Strand,Affiliation: NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Reference: 1989, Vol 10, No 2, pp. 65-76.
Keywords: Optimal control, predictive control, non-linear control system, state-space models, iterative methods, on-line operation
Abstract: Repetitive online computation of the control vector by solving the optimal control problem of a non-linear multivariable process with arbitrary performance indices is investigated. Two different methods are considered in the search for an optimal, parameterized control vector: Pontryagin´s Maximum Principle and optimization by using the performance index and its gradient directly. Unfortunately, solving this optimization problem has turned out to be a rather time-consuming task which has resulted in a time delay that cannot be accepted when the actual process is exposed to rapidly-varying disturbances. However, an instantaneous feedback strategy operating in parallel with the original control aogorithm was found to be able to cope with this problem.

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title={{Predictive Control Based upon State Space Models}},
author={Balchen, Jens G. and Ljungquist, Dag and Strand, Stig},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}