“A Truly Distributed Process Control System with Online Configuration and Expansion Capabilities”
Authors: Steinar Sælid,Affiliation: Kongsberg Albatross AS
Reference: 1987, Vol 8, No 4, pp. 201-222.
Keywords: Process control system, distributed control
Abstract: The process control system described in this paper, is a very flexible system equipped with a range of computer-aided configuration tools. These are tools for the configuration and reconfiguration of control loops, computing blocks, logic control modules, i/o connections or graphics, and presentation elements such as reports, trend curves, flowsheets, free graphical pictures etc., while the system is operational and in control. Documentation of system topology, system parametrization and the i/o configuration/connection etc., can be extracted from the system at any time. The system can also be configured for training and simulation applications as well as for process control. The paper describes the system hardware architecture, the distributed database and the configuration and operation tools.

[1] SAELID, S., (1985). Interactive modeling and simulation using distributed computers and graphical aids, Modeling, Identification and Control, 6, 257-263 doi:10.4173/mic.1985.4.6
title={{A Truly Distributed Process Control System with Online Configuration and Expansion Capabilities}},
author={Sælid, Steinar},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}