“Pressurised Water Reactor Control by the Hierarchical Method”
Authors: Ilkka Leikkonen,Affiliation: Institute for Energy Technology (IFE)
Reference: 1987, Vol 8, No 2, pp. 69-89.
Keywords: Pressurized water reactor, optimal control, power distribution, load cycle
Abstract: A simple version of the hierarchical optimization method is used to solve the control problem for the power distribution of a pressurized water reactor. The control period is about twenty hours. The control objectives include the total power, power distribution and use of boron. The controllers are a rod bank, soluble boron in the coolant and the coolant temperature deviation. A one-dimensional non-linear core model is used, with full xenon-iodine dynamics.

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title={{Pressurised Water Reactor Control by the Hierarchical Method}},
author={Leikkonen, Ilkka},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}